
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Breaking News

People have started swearing about switching off the last bulb that keeps glowing. Should Edison be proud or humiliated, had he been living, is a question by itself. Energy-saving measures have taken a new dimension by striving to eliminate the incandescent light bulbs. The result anticipated is a less than 1 % cut in the amount of greenhouse gas contribution by the year 2012. Will the little drops ever make an ocean? Time will answer.

The Earth seems to be ripping apart, courtesy the deep fractures in the junction of the African and the Arabian tectonic plates, politically in Ethiopia. 60 m wide chasms are no small things.

And people have started celebrating green Valentine's day with a resolution of not using anything that caused global warming. What a sweet way to show your love to your beloved and mother Earth, at once!

Researchers made our faces twist by the revelation that the desk, computer, and drawers contain 400 times more bacteria and bugs than the average toilet seat. http://www.newscientist.com/blog/shortsharpscience/

Perhaps it's time we outsourced our sanity.
And the world goes on.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Valentine's Hype

'What's special about Valentine's day?', I was wondering. I could see couples on bike much closer to each other than on any other day. 'I love you' cards were selling like hot cakes. Television and radio stations screamed “Love... Love... Love...” throughout the day. Seems flowers bloom as bouquets! Beaches were filled with sands of lovers. As people say, there was love in the air! Well, didn't people love each other all these days? What makes this day so special and lovely? Will St. Valentine be happy to see all these? To be frank, I don't know. But a little bit of thinking reveals that this day may be the one for the loved ones to get together. Stories of miraculous revival of relationships would suggest this. Can't it be on any other day? As Shakespeare puts it,

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet."

Everyday is Valentine's.
Keep loving!