
Monday, March 24, 2008

A Tribute to Sri Arthur C Clarke

'Sri' in the title is not a typo, but has some relevance here:

1. He was living in Sri Lanka since 1956.
2. 'Sri' is roughly equivalent to 'Sir', because it denotes respect and reverence.

What do Jules Verne and Sir Arthur Clarke have in common?
Well.. it may be their profound interest and knowledge in the field they were writing.
In his own words: "To me, science and science fiction writing are two sides of the same coin. Science fiction writing can only be valuable to us if it is written by someone who has some knowledge of science."

Maybe there has to be a thin line between good Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Alas! We're often unable to distinguish, thanks to the generations that spoiled the genre.

Writing was just one of the passions of Sri Arthur Clarke. He is regarded the Father of Satellite Communication. He has contributed to the development of RADAR technology. And he was of the stern belief that one day we'll be intelligent enough to communicate with Aliens.

And Sir Arthur Clarke didn't believe in the supernatural or the paranormal.
But that's only an option. Does it matter?

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